While I felt the need to use an oracle deck of Doreen Virtue's today, I was instead directed to use the Goddess Knowledge Cards by artist Susan Seddon Boulet with text by Michael Babcock. While I was looking for insight outside of myself to share, I was directed to go within, yet again. I have often thought of myself as the Empress--an aspect of mother earth and I still do. However, I am now being nudged, nay, shoved into the role of High Priestess. No matter what type of Oracle or Tarot deck I use, I am always brought back into the world of Tarot. In Susan's painting I can see several of the major elements of Tarot's High Priestess--the Torah, the moon, the veil of the temple, the pillars--Boaz and Jakin, and a pomegranate. If there are other elements present, I cannot make them out as the symbolism is so beautifully integrated into the painting.
Michael's text refers to the High Priestess as the direct representative of the goddess on earth. "She has direct responsibility for functions that ensure fertility and ongoing creation." I believe that also sums up the Empress in many ways. The High Priestess in Tarot is the maiden aspect of the triple moon goddess while the Empress is the mother aspect. Michael further states, "The High Priestess is a reminder of the innate wisdom in each of us. She demands that we connect to the divine spark within and manifest it in the world." Too bad she doesn't inform us of the difficulties that we may encounter in our efforts to succeed at manifesting, once we have connected to that spark.
My mother told me, "You are a square peg in a round hole. You need to conform and fit in." I have tried to fit into the world--the corporate world. Like many individuals, working in this environment can be stifling, next to impossible, and incredibly stressful. Creative and intuitive people need to find ways to adapt in order to survive. The need to make a living while pursuing their dreams is important--now more than ever. Yes, the spark within can lead to the discovery of an untapped dream, or one that we pushed aside for whatever reason we felt was important at the time. Can we manifest those dreams now? Yes? No?
Investigate, plan and never give up until you find a way to make your dream(s) come true. Once you connect to the spark within, your journey is half over. The next step is creating or finding an opportunity. Consult with the High Priestess within and find your next assignment, or create your own place...for the moment. However long you need to remain on your next assignment really doesn't matter. What matters is listening to the voice within--without over analyzing. If you can do that, you are letting the High Priestess do her job without complications.