My friend, Cindy Gardner, channels information from angels -- the archangels, other angels, and people's personal angels. An amazing gift! My intuitive gifts allow me to channel information from various sources -- angels, guides, relatives, and friends who crossed over. I usually don't always know the source of the information I provide until after I remove my foot from my mouth.
What prompted me to blog today about angels was how they work through us. The divine angels choose someone in human form to carry out their work. In essence, all of us are capable to carrying out the acts of angels. I remember reading about Clara Barton and Florence Nightingale when I was in grade school and how they were perceived as angels. So, for me, angels used to be about people who gave of themselves to help heal others.
Today, I view earth angels as people who provide help when someone is in need -- any kind of need. A simple act of kindness -- random acts of kindness fall into this category. There were many times in my life where strangers stepped in, seemingly "out of nowhere," and provided assistance to me.
One Thanksgiving Day, when my little Honda Civic and I were driving to Sedona to visit my friend Barbara I was taken under the wings of angels...
I was zipping along a reasonably deserted freeway when I heard a "knock knock" on the roof of my car. It's really easy to speed on an open road. My speedometer started to climb past 80 mph when I heard the first knock knock. I remembered I had a patched tire and needed to slow down. I did. About ten minutes later, my car was zipping along again and I heard another "knock knock." I remembered I needed to slow down because if I did not, my tire might blow. So I did. Once again, I my car was zipping along when I heard a "thunk-thunk" near the front wheel on the driver's side. I thought, "Oh cripes, my tire's gonna blow!" I could "feel it."
I moved over to the far left lane, and sure enough, my tire blew, however, my car stopped perfectly. Whew! When I got out of the car, I noticed the chrome piece around the tire was missing. That was the "thunk-thunk." There were minor skidmarks on the pavement. I was very blessed. I popped the trunk and pulled out the jack and mini spare.
I asked "God can I have an angel please?" I heard a voice in my head reply, "I already sent you one." I realized that was how my car stopped without spinning out of control. I shouted, "Can I have another one to change my tire?" Within ten minutes a trucker from Wisconsin stopped changed my tire. Apparently, another trucker saw me he picked up the message. Another angelic moment in the Mohave Desert. To top off two assists from angels, I was given a third. I was two exits (less than ten miles) from Rip Griffin's Truck Stop. My Honda received a new tire and I arrived safely at Barbara's three or four hours late.
To summarize, angels exist and we all have moments in our lives where we act as angels or do their work. Be an angel today and do something nice for someone -- anyone! I try to do this every day.
Review: The Ghastly Lenormand From The Grave
2 months ago