Crossroads. This word provides me with a richness of images. The first image that comes to mind is when Dorothy reaches the end of The Yellow Brick Road and she must choose a direction so she can get to the Emerald City to meet The Wizard of Oz. Many of us are finding ourselves at a crossroads right now. We have a decision to make about one or more aspects of our lives and we are running out of time and/or financial resources. I wish I was blessed with the ability to provide people with the right answer. Unfortunately, that would go against my ethics. I cannot take away someone's right to choose--their free will must prevail. What I enjoy doing is providing enough information to individuals so they can see their options. It is up to them to sort through this information and make a decision. Once they make their decision, they will need to find some way to go forward and follow through. Should someone go left, right or continue on the path that they are currently traversing? Once a choice is made, only time will tell if the right path was chosen.
Are you at a crossroads?The important thing about choosing a direction is to take the time and combine all of your available resources so you have a wide range of information to sift through that will assist you in making your decision. Using the Tarot to illustrate the process for moving ahead I would hand pick the following cards to help you.
The first card I would choose is The Fool. He reminds us that anything is possible and we will be just fine--we are on a journey. We are taking a chance on life...on a path...we are willing to embrace life. All of life is a journey. His backpack contains all of the information and tools he needs to make a decision. He can deal with anything that comes along, and so can we. Now, we must decide where we want to go. We need to use the information we have available to us. Do we have a plan or a map in place? We may have difficulty moving forward if we don't have structure and organization?
Why not choose The Hierophant next. He has the keys to knowledge and information. With our computers, we can obftain tons of information. Google whatever you need to know. Talk to people. Sometimes someone else's point of view can provide input or feedback that could be very valuable. Ultimately, we may end up with just one plan, or we may have several plans to choose from. The Hierophant can help us streamline our thinking. With him on our side, we may be able to save time once we are ready to move forward. Keep it simple.
Once we have a plan or several in place, why not choose The Hermit to help us next. He represents the need to go within and tap into our inner wisdom. Introspection allows us to see the many different roads that are available to us and where those roads may take us. By using intelligence and logic, we can determine the pros and cons of each possible choice. Once we have refined our list of possible options, the next card we might want to choose would be The Wheel of Fortune. This card allow us to see what karma we may create or resolve in addition to determining the time frame for manifestation. This brings us to the the following questions that we want answered. How long will it take us to get to our destination? How can we deal with the limitations or road blocks that may show up? Sometimes we may decide that a particular option is not worth pursuing. Using the Wheel of Fortune, we may be able to hone in on one or two opportunities that we can happily pursue in a time frame that we can embrace comfortably.
Once we have a few possibilities that may work for us, why not choose The Lovers card. Normally, this card is not a typical choice for this situation. If we have people who love us and have our best interests at heart, we can go to them for love, support, and get their feedback--and perhaps, their advice. In other words, this is our support network. If we have some sort of self-esteem issue, we need to "love ourselves" enough to check in with our emotions to see how we feel about the options that are front and center. We are responsible for our choice(s)--not our loved ones. Depending on our decision(s), we may make them happy or we may make them angry. We need to live for ourselves, so we need to keep that in mind when we make our final decision.
Why not choose The High Priestess to help us at the next checkpoint. She symbolizes our ability to get in touch with our intuition. While she may not represent logic, she is a logical choice for this stage of our journey. She can help us to see between the lines. She will connect us to our intuition. I often refer to our intuition as the director of our lives. She reminds us that we need to balance our intellect, emotions and intuition to make a sound, choice that will resonate with us.
Once we make our choice, we might want to connect to The Magician. He is the master creator--the alchemist. Through his mind he can create anything. Our destiny depends on him being able to use his will to create magic. We can also call him a miracle worker. By utilizing his powers, we know we can manifest what we want.
Choosing The Star next would be important because it is the card of hope and optimism. This is where prayer and meditation can provide comfort and allow the angels, archangels, Gods, Goddesses, and the Creator to assist The Magician. At this point, the divine is really in charge. There is only so much we can do without their assistance. While we are waiting for divine help, more than likely we will need to apply a little Temperance. Why? Because most of the time, things do not generally happen when we want them to; they happen in their own, perfect time. When we tend to get a little impatient, we need to exercise a little temperance. Choosing our words carefully might be helpful here, too.
If we discover that our plans are not quite working for us, we can always recycle back to The Hierophant in order to re-structure. Perhaps we may need to make our plan of action a bit more flexible..or not.
At this point, why not revisit The Star before we take a ride on The Chariot. The Star will reconnect us to the divine and that may be just what we need if things take a bit longer to manifest than we anticipate. While The Chariot leads us to our destination and a new phase of life, it also provides us with courage and protection, too. Extra protection. Love it! Why shouldn't we head into a successful phase of our lives? What card would you choose to have after The Chariot? What card feels appropriate to you?
Would you choose The Empress for giving birth to a new project and/or staying grounded? Would you consider her as the harvest card? Would you reach out to someone in order for them to nurture you? Would you nurture yourself?
Would you choose The Sun for a new beginning?
Would you choose Judgment for a rebirth and a different type of new beginning--one that will allow you to re-invent yourself and/or leave your past behind you? Could this be a new beginning where you get a second chance to do something you always wanted to do? Could this be an opportunity to revisit something that you stopped doing because of some type of family obligation?
Or, would you choose The World for unlimited opportunities and a chance to embrace _______ (fill in the blank)?
Whatever card you choose, add a companion card of your choice for guidance. Tell me what cards you would choose with/without a companion card and why. I want to know!
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