Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Migrating is not just for the birds...

While it may seem as though I had abandoned blogging, I really didn't.  I started a second blog on Wordpress in 2011 that I had intended to use strictly for Tarot-related topics.  Unfortunately, over the past two years, I found myself so busy that that I did not have time to write, or blog for that matter.  So, there were not many entries in either blog.

As I start my own personal new year, I am making a lot of changes in my life.  One of them is to get back to blogging at least once a week.  While I like to write more than a simple thought or paragraph, I realize sound bites of wisdom and information are also good.  So you can expect some short and sweet posts in the future, too.

My primary focus has been and will always be Practical Tarot.  Information comes to me from a variety of sources:  angels, guides, ascended masters, common sense, Tarot, family members and friends who have crossed over, life experience, and my clair senses -- clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and the one I always forget to list -- claircognizance.. 

Back to the subject of migration...
Please follow me to my Wordpress blog -- which is no longer just for Tarot.  I have posted a new entry there earlier today, Enjoy!

FYI:  This is the last blog entry I am posting here. 


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